22 Table Rock and the Devil’s Pulpit

Table Rock and the Devil’s Pulpit

On the American side, near the Devil's Hole and overlooking the gorge of the Niagara River, is the gigantic natural formation known as Table Rock. It is chiefly interesting from the fact that here, in the year 1765, a great fight took place between the French and Indians on one side and the British on the other, in which the latter were defeated by superior numbers, after fightmg manfully to the last. Many were driven over the cliff into the depths bdow and the others were killed by the Infuriated red men. Of the entire detachment only two escaped to tell the tale.
Dieses Kapitel ist Teil des Buches Niagara - in Summer and Winter
22 Table Rock and the Devils Pulpit

22 Table Rock and the Devils Pulpit

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