Niagara - in Summer and Winter

Autor: Compiled and published by J. Murray Jordan
Enthaltene Themen: sparkling rainbows, painted word-pictures, cataract, stupendous wonder
The largest and most complete collection of views of this superb natural wonder ever compiled „It is God’s organ playing forever in richest diapason the hymn of the Ages”.
Nothing that the western hemisphere can present in the way of a natural wonder, sublime and surpassing in its beauty, equals thip gem in the diadem of nature. Niagara Falls.

No visitor, from Father Hennepin, the first white man who gazed upon the tumult and thunder of its waters, down to the present who, from bridge or bank or brink of precipice, has looked out over the ghost-like mists, the sparkling rainbows, the sloping splendor of greenish water as it rushes over the precipice, or the stupendous wonder of the Whirlpool Rapids, but has sung its praises and told the story of its awesomeness and magnificence. The greatest masters of the English tongue have sung its praises, have painted word-pictures that will live while the cataract itself lasts.

In this work there are presented, by the witchery of the art preservative, views of Niagara in Summer and Winter which depict its beauties more accurately than all the de scriptions of the Falls that were ever written.

Niagara - in Summer and Winter

Niagara - in Summer and Winter



Historische Landkarte von den Niagarafällen

Historische Landkarte von den Niagarafällen

Michigan Central Zug entlang der Niagarafälle

Michigan Central Zug entlang der Niagarafälle

Eines der ersten Bilder von den Niagarafällen

Eines der ersten Bilder von den Niagarafällen

Blick auf die Niagarafälle

Blick auf die Niagarafälle

Neue Cantileverbrücke über den Niagarafluss

Neue Cantileverbrücke über den Niagarafluss

Bizarre Felsformationen

Bizarre Felsformationen

Die neue Gaot Island Brücke

Die neue Gaot Island Brücke

Wanderung durch die Eisberge des American Fall

Wanderung durch die Eisberge des American Fall

Horseshoe Fall im Winter

Horseshoe Fall im Winter