49 American Fall from goat Island-Winter

American Fall from goat Island-Winter

In the foreground and in the upper distance is presented all that there is of life and motion in the picture of what may be termed the Ice King’s wrath. The tumbling torrent races past; the dashing spray turns to ice on either side; even the brink of the precipice is a jagged mass of crystal. It was in the torrent in the foreground that the mysterious Francis Abbott, the Hermit of the Falls, lost his life. He lived for two years on one of the islands in Niagara River above the Falls. No one knew whence he came. The waters fascinated him, and the end, one bright day in June, sixty-one years ago, they lured him to his death. A week afterward the torn and mangled body of the hermit was found at the mouth of the river and buried within sound of the Falls that he loved so well.

Dieses Kapitel ist Teil des Buches Niagara - in Summer and Winter
49 American Fall from goat Island -Winter

49 American Fall from goat Island -Winter

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