32 The Devil’s Hole

The Devil’s Hole

About three miles from the Falls, on the American Side, there is a chasm 200 feet wide, extending back at right angles abouc 600 feet from the edge of the River. In this ravine is located the „Devil's Hole.“ A stream finds its way to the river by this gulch, which bears the forbidding title of Bloody Run. It acquired its name from the fact that on the 14th of September, 1763, during the French and Indian War, a wagon-train of British was ambushed near this spot. But one man of the ninety-six in the party escaped, the rest being slaughtered by the Seneca Indians. The little stream ran blood-red that dav, and hence its title.
Dieses Kapitel ist Teil des Buches Niagara - in Summer and Winter