14 Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages

The poetic fancy which saw in the gigantic mass of rock in the foreground a symbol of the “Rock of Ages” was not far astray, because nowhere else possibly in the world can there be found a counterpart of this singular monument. Centuries ago, possibly cycles, in the dim distance of creation, it was hurled from commanding prominence to its present resting-place. Here, as the centuries have waxed and waned, it has stood immovable in the presence of the mighty flood, unshaken by its thundering, eternally bathed in the spray of the torrent, always and ever bathed in the white foam that enwraps it like a girdle of samite. Beyond this monument of the wrath of Nature is seen in the dim background the bridge that lead to that other wonder of Nature, the Cave of the Winds.

Dieses Kapitel ist Teil des Buches Niagara - in Summer and Winter