76 Out for a Stroll. By Krausz, Sigmund

She has just finished her frugal luncheon in the small, dingy office-room where she is employed as stenographer and typewriter, and the warm sun shines so invitingly through the open windows that she decides to utilize her noon hour by taking a little walk.

She is pretty, and as she trips gracefully through the bustling crowd, daintily lifting her dress with a neatly gloved hand, many admiring glances follow her.

Here and there she recognizes an acquaintance, but she does not stop.

Now she reaches a crowded corner and passes the gauntlet of young dudes and old Lotharios, who congregate there to review female pedestrians; but she does not seem to be annoyed, and rather enjoys the attention which her appearance has attracted.

If we are not mistaken, she even smiles as she turns a side glance at a handsome young fellow.

She knows it is wrong to flirt for it was only last Sunday that her pastor had warned his young flock, in a very elaborate sermon, against the sin of flirting but then it is such pleasant pastime, and she will not do so again till to-morrow, for it is one o’clock, and duty calls her to the desk.

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