10 Tennis Girl. By Krausz, Sigmund

The jaunty cap over the fluffy hair, dressed in an airy suit which is exceedingly becoming, her face flushed with the excitement of the interesting sport, she walks with elastic steps off the tennis grounds. As she carelessly swings the raquet in her hand, her springy gait as well as the luster of her eyes and the healthy color of her cheeks betray the perfect state of her physical condition. Like all women devoted to outdoor sports she has a certain independent air about her. While not so prominent a type on the streets of the city as the bicycle girl, she may be frequently seen on the lawns of the fine residence streets, and many a passer-by will stop for a moment and admire her graceful motions as she flits over the grass, or bends her lithe body in graceful curves to receive a high ball.

The Tennis girl is anything if not picturesque, and in this respect she certainly outranks her sister of the wheel. She has been made the object of the camera as well as the brush of the artist, and many are the songs that have been written in her praise. Looking at our picture, who would say that the tennis girl does not deserve all the nice epitaphs that have been bestowed on her, or that all the pretty things said about her are not really true? As an embodiment of feminine grace I vote her the palm, and say: She is my ideal! Would I were hers!

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